Essay, Research Paper: Atomic Bomb

American History

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August 6th, 1945, 70,000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. 
The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.
Today many argue over whether or not the US should have taken such a drastic
measure.  Was
it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon? 
Yes, it was. First, look at what was going on at the time the decision
was made.  The
U.S had been fighting a massive war since 1941. 
Morale was most likely low, and resources were probably at the same level
as morale. However, each side continued to fight, and both were determined to
win.  Obviously,
the best thing that could have possibly have happened would have been to bring
the war to a quick end, with a minimum of casualties. What would have happened
had the A-bomb not been used? The most obvious thing is that the war would have
continued.  U.S
forces; therefore, would have had to invade the home island of Japan. 
Imagine the number of casualties that could have occurred if this would
have happened  Also,
our forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they
would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. 
It was also a fact that the Japanese government had been equipping the
commoners with any kind of weapon they could get their hands on. It is true that
this could mean a Japanese citizen could have anything from a gun to a spear,
but many unsuspecting soldiers might have fallen victim to a surprise spear
attack!  The
number of deaths that would have occurred would have been much greater, and an
invasion would have taken a much longer period of time. 
The Japanese would have continued to fight the US with all of what they
had; spears, guns, knives, whatever they could get their hands on, just as long
as they continued to fight the enemy. As
mentioned before, it is a fact that some civilians had been ready to fight our
military with spears! 
What made it possible that the Japanese would resort to using spears? Why
wouldn't they use guns or other weapons? 
Well, the truth was, the government just didn't have the resources to
give out a gun to just any citizen. 
US naval blockades are one of the major reasons that Japan was so low on
resources, and a main point opponents of the decision to drop the bomb
constantly bring up. Japan obviously was very low on resources.  
Japanese civilians were ready to die with spears in their hands, surely
the military would do the same. 
Besides, the Japanese military did still have some resources to go on. 
So again I must bring out the fact that Japan could have continued to
fight, and they would have. 
And I'm sure anyone can realize what would happen if the war continued;
more deaths.  Admiral
William Leahy, Chief of Staff to President Roosevelt and 
President Truman, wrote, "By the beginning of September 1944, Japan
was almost completely defeated through a practically complete sea and air
blockade."  If
that was true, how could they have continued to fight and rack up enemy kills? 
If the Chief of Staff to the President figured they would soon surrender
around September 1944; why were they still fighting almost a year later? 
And how can we be so sure that any other estimates on when the war would
end would be correct? Basically, we can't. 
For all anyone knows, Japan would have kept fighting. 
It was the atomic bomb that forced Japan to surrender and in turn saved
thousands if not millions of lives.
How can anyone be so sure that Japan would continue to fight? No one can
say exactly what would have happened, because let's face it, no one really
knows.  It's
possible Japan was just about to surrender, but most evidence would not agree
with that statement. 
I'm sure most have heard of a group of men called the Kamikaze. Kamikaze
were "suicide" pilots. 
They would load an airplane up with explosives and try to nose-dive it
into an enemy target. 
Think about what must be on this pilot's mind. Imagine the undying love
he must have for his country. 
He would fight until the end, for his emperor and his country. 
The scary thing about this is the majority of the Japanese military
thought this way. The fact that the enemy is ready to die so long as you die
with him is not something a soldier wants to think about before going into
battle.  Once
more I must bring into the picture the fact that a longer war means more deaths,
and it appears that a longer war is exactly what Japan had in mind. Most
opponents of the bomb say the it was immoral to drop the bomb on such targets as
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but you cannot deny the fact the major manufacturing of
wartime products was being conducted here. 
Now, I'm going to be honest, I don't believe that Hiroshima and Nagasaki
were the best places to bomb, due to the high civilian numbers; however, it is
still my belief that the Atomic Bomb was necessary to end the war. Also,
leaflets and warnings had been issued to the people of those cities warning them
of an attack.  Some
say that the United States should have warned what kind of attack it would have
been.  This
however seems ridiculous to me. 
It shouldn't matter what kind of warning is given, a threat under such
conditions should be taken seriously, and the citizens should have evacuated.
One might also point out the fact, however brutal this may seem, that ever since
Sherman's March to the Sea of the American Civil War, which was a turning point
in modern warfare, civilian population centers are also considered fair game to
the military. The moral issue of dropping an atomic bomb is very controversial. 
Especially since radiation is a major side effect of such a weapon. 
On the other hand though, fire-bombings of other Japanese cities had left
other civilians equally scarred. 
If one wanted to argue the issue of radiation as a side effect of atomic
bombing, they would have to find a way to argue the side effects of bombing
altogether.  Is
it immoral to use a bomb? 
No; it's not very nice, but it's not immoral. 
These are the kinds of things that happen in war, however unfortunate
they are. Despite other arguments, the Atomic Bomb was a necessity. 
Without it, the number of men that would have died on both sides far
surpasses that of the number that were killed in the droppings of both Atomic
Bombs.  Let's
face it, the goal of waging war is victory with minimum losses on one's own
side, and if possible a minimum amount of losses on the enemy's side. 
The Atomic Bomb cut losses to a minimum and drew war to an end quickly.

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